
June 7, 2014

Playing streaming Flash videos without Adobe Flash on Linux

Adobe Flash is still the norm for watching streaming videos on the Internet. There has been a great adoption of HTML5-based videos on YouTube; around 90% of the channels I subscribe to play just fine on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Mozilla Firefox (without Flash plug-in) setup. But still, there are those 10% that don't (the includes you, NBA channel!).

The plug-in is installable via the flashplugin-installer package in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. But since Adobe abandoned Linux some time ago, then I decided to shun Adobe from my Linux set-ups. In this post, I show how I watch YouTube videos on my Linux box.

June 1, 2014

Python development environment setup in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

After 100 days of using the Antergos Gnome 3 distribution as my main OS, I've decided to distro-hop again and try out the new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (which I just recently installed).

A little bit over a month ago, I landed a job as a (probationary) web developer at a local web development shop. My tasks there consists mostly of Python/Django development. And so I can now say that I am professionally doing Python/Django development (yey!). I learned from my mentors at work on how to manage my development environment efficiently. I did know about virtualenv prior to landing that job, but I learned about virtualenvwrapper and how it augments usage of Python virtual environments on the job.

This post are just my notes on how I setup virtualenvwrapper on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS box.