
December 31, 2015

Linux Usage for 2015

Calendar year 2015 is coming to an end, and I know I haven't been posting much here lately. But here's my Linux usage for 2015.

Desktop Computer

For year 2015, I noticed that I've used Red Hat family distributions starting Feb 2015.

Distribution Used from Used until
CentOS 7 (Gnome) 2015-06-15 2015-12-31
Fedora 22 Workstation (Gnome) 2015-06-04 2015-06-14
Fedora 22 Workstation (KDE) 2015-05-30 2015-06-04
Fedora 21 Workstation (Gnome) 2015-02-06 2015-05-30
Antergos (Gnome) 2014-08-23 2015-02-05

Laptop Computer

My laptop, an aging IBM ThinkPad T60, is what I normally use to try different distributions. So there is a lot of variations in usage in this computer.

Distribution Used from Used until
Q4OS 1.2 Orion 2015-08-08 2015-12-31
Manjaro i3 2015-08-06 2015-08-07
Debian 8.1 2015-08-03 2015-08-06
Peppermint 6 2015-07-10 2015-08-02
Bodhi Linux 3.0 2015-07-06 2015-07-09
CentOS 7 2015-05-14 2015-07-05
elementary OS 0.3 Freya 2015-05-10 2015-05-13
CentOS 7 2015-03-22 2015-05-10
Fedora 21 Workstation 2015-02-02 2015-03-22
Ubuntu MATE 14.04.1 2015-01-29 2015-02-02
PC-BSD 10.1 2015-01-28 2015-01-29
Ubuntu MATE 14.04 2014-11-11 2015-01-28

For year 2016, I'm planning to try out Linux distributions that make it easy for me to (1) install proprietary video drivers and (2) the Steam client because I've decided I want to try and play some video games again.

My current pick as of this posting is the Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa MATE edition. As a matter of fact, it's currently an ongoing installation to my desktop PC right now.

Here's to the new year for computing, especially Linux. Happy Linuxing!

December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays

I haven't updated this blog in a while mainly because my wife has recently given birth to our son. Also because I haven't been trying out new Linux distributions in a while. My desktop computer has been running on Antergos Cinnamon for quite some time now and my laptop is on Ubuntu MATE 14.04.1 LTS.

I've got my hands full with the baby at the moment but I am playing around with Docker containerization shit so I will probably post some stuff about that in the future. Most likely early 2015. There are other plans I am finalizing on so...

                < Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! >
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Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. See you next year! And as always, happy Linuxing.

September 6, 2014

Exploring FreeBSD


For the past few days, I’ve been running FreeBSD on VirtualBox to try and see if it can be a viable replacement for a desktop OS. So far, it’s been mostly smooth with a few bumps here and there.


I used FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso which can be downloaded from here. The installer was pretty straightforward except when I got to the last part, I kept getting an Abort error.


It turns out that in the Errata section, the first bullet point states:

FreeBSD/i386 10.0-RELEASE running as a guest operating system on VirtualBox can have a problem with disk I/O access.

I needed to follow the instructions provided to get FreeBSD installed.

To disable it, choose Escape to loader prompt in the boot menu and enter the following lines from loader(8) prompt, after an OK:

set vfs.unmapped_buf_allowed=0

Note that the following line has to be added to /boot/loader.conf after a boot. It disables unmapped I/O at every boot:


For more info, check this question I posted on StackExchange.

After installation, I boot into a command line environment where I am able to log-in to FreeBSD.

Software Management

As a long time Linux user, I am used to package management. I am happy to find out that FreeBSD comes with not just one way to manage your software, but 2: via binary packages and via Ports.

Binary packages can be installed using the command line with the pkg command. I’m sure most Linux users will feel at home with installing binary packages. The Ports Collection consists of software that need to be compiled from source and then installed. But FreeBSD really makes it easy to do so; just go to the directory of the Port you want to install and type the command make install clean.

More info about installing applications can be found here.

Setting up the GUI

Since the base installation of FreeBSD doesn’t come with a graphical user interface (environment), I had to install one. It all starts with the installation of the display server Xorg or X11.

For the desktop GUI I decided to go with Gnome2, the very first desktop environment I used when I gave Ubuntu a go way back in 2006.


There’s also KDE and XFCE so choose which tickles your fancy. There are a whole lot more in the Ports Collection but I didn’t want to compile a desktop environment because I wanted to get up and running as quickly as possible with FreeBSD.

The FreeBSD Handbook has a great writeup for getting the X Window System set up.

VirtualBox Guest Additions

I don’t know if the VirtualBox Guest Additions ISO comes with a way to install the guest drivers for FreeBSD. I found this wiki entry for installing Guest Additions for FreeBSD guests which I followed (and it worked). I suggest you do the same if you have FreeBSD as a guest in VirtualBox.

Note that I needed to change the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually for the vboxvideo_drv and vboxmouse_drv sections to get a decent resolution and have mouse integration on.


That’s how far I’ve come for now. I plan to spend more time using FreeBSD. So far I like what I’m experiencing. If you’ve installed and used vanilla Arch Linux before then the feeling is somewhat similar with installing and using FreeBSD. You take control on how to shape your system.

The pkg command in FreeBSD is similar to that of pacman for Arch; the Ports Collection in FreeBSD is similar to that of AUR for Arch. The FreeBSD Handbook has served me well so far, just like Arch’s Wiki has. Really, if you’re using Arch Linux, then FreeBSD will be comfortable for you.

Of course, there are some things I still haven’t wrapped my head around, most specifically the naming of devices.

The experience is mostly positive for now and I’m happy that I got FreeBSD working as I expect it to. But the thing is, this is running in a virtual environment and I don’t know if it will also work when installed on real hardware most especially the networking side of things. I’m still waiting for my old laptop to be back from repairs so till then, I will be testing in VirtualBox.

UPDATE (2014-09-28):

I couldn't get FreeBSD up and running with X11 on my repaired ThinkPad T60. So I guess it will stay in VirtualBox on my desktop PC until I find a machine to run it on.


Thanks for reading and happy Unixing.